Introduction to the REST API


The ScopeMaster API is based on the common design of REST and HTTP Verbs. (GET, PUT, POST)

It has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts json_encoded request bodies and returns JSON-encoded responses.  It uses standard HTTP response codes.  It uses API key based authentication (just like Jira).  

Use Cases

The API presents a subset of the full capability of ScopeMaster.  It is designed to allow integration with other proudcts and is aimed at the following use cases:

1. Synchronise user stories between ScopeMaster and another repository (Trello, Rally, Azure Devops, Jira  etc)

2. Automatically test user stories as part of a continuous automated QA process.

3. Extract or Synchronise test scenarios into your quality / test management tool.

4. Project-level requirements QA reporting.

5. Portfolio-level requirements QA reporting.

If you have additional ideas for other uses, please let us know, we'd love to hear them.


All requests are made over https to   

Any data is sent and received only in JSON format.

Main Resources

The main parent resources available through the API are:

App The "project" or container of requirements, analysis results and the suggested test scenarios
Requirement The user story together with CFP size and optionally the suggested test scenarios
Me The user profile, of the API key creator.


The API lets you retrieve project and requirements related data from ScopeMaster including the analysis results and the suggested tests scenarios.

The API also allows you to add requirements (user stories) to a pre-existing app container and to modify those requirements within the app.  The API is in constant development, the specific version number is returned in the header.

Analysis - slow processing

Adding a requirement (user story) involves considerable processing by the ScopeMaster analysis engine.  When a requirement is saved or updated, the analysis engine performs significant work (doing the hard work for you!), and this can take a little time.  For large requirements in a large set of requirements this can take several seconds.  Please design your integration to respect this characteristic.

Response Header


Non-breaking changes will be added to the API from time to time, check our release notes for more information.

Header Name Description
X-API-Version The version number of the API

Rate Limiting

In oder to protect the service, the rate of permissable API calls is limited.  The rate limiting information is available in the response header.

Header Name Description
X-RateLimit-Limit The maximum number of requests you're permitted to make per hour.
X-RateLimit-Remaining The number of requests remaining in the current rate limit window.
X-RateLimit-Reset The time at which the current rate limit window resets in UTC epoch seconds.
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