
This provides access to you view your user profile, the person who created the API key.  Read only.

HTTP Request


HTTP Response Example


"seconds": 0.058,


"id": "109",

"email": "[email protected]",

"created_on": "1551482040",

"first_name": "Joe",

"last_name": "Smith",

"billing_type": "BUNDLE",

"timezone": "Europe/London",

"company": null,

"phone": "",

"address1": "",

"address2": "",

"city": "",

"state": "",

"postcode": "",

"country": "",

"org_id": "OR30c8746905",

"initials": "J S",

"full_name": "Joe Smith",


"id": "OR30c8746905",

"parent_id": "",

"name": "Example Inc",

"address1": "",

"address2": "",

"city": "",

"state": "",

"postcode": "",

"country": "",

"created_utc": "1551480528",

"updated_utc": "0"


"in_credit": true,

"allowed": 1,

"allowed_reason": "IN_CREDIT",

"credits_remaining_in_current_bundle": 6937


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