Data Dictionary (Glossary) API
Data dictionary previously known as Glossary contains the term that we use for objects and users (both suggested by ScopeMaster and those confirmed by you). A glossary is associated with one and only one app.
Available REST Endpoints:
List Data Dictionary Items
Fetch the glossary items (objects and users detected by ScopeMaster) with the context of a given app also the full defined set of any defined values under defined_dictionary.
GET /apps/{app_id}/glossary
objects = as detected by ScopeMaster®
users = as detected by ScopeMaster®
defined_dictionary.USER = custom values for users
defined_dictionary.OBJECT = custom values for objects
Partial response:
"objects": [ { "name": "account", "occurrence_count": 10, "occurrences": [ "RQe1c41d90d4", "RQ825d694dec", "RQ9912e4bb98", "RQ7ca2a30050", "RQe23ba56c50", "RQe23ba56c50", "RQ66e14c44cc", "RQe6afe94148", "RQ0cfbd5cb8d", "RQ2f07e4d415" ], "confirmed": false }], "users": [ { "name": "user", "occurrence_count": 128, "confirmed": false }, { "name": "customer", "occurrence_count": 76, "confirmed": false }], "defined_dictionary": { "USER": [ { "id": "GLf9cbcca9a6", "name": "<client customer>", "original_name": "<client customer>", "type_of": "USER", "definition": "my definition", "json": "" }, { "id": "GL4df2fc6508", "name": "client customer", "original_name": "client customer", "type_of": "USER", "definition": "", "json": "" } ], "OBJECT": [ { "id": "GL5c4b8bc8ab", "name": "<my object>", "original_name": "<my object>", "type_of": "OBJECT", "definition": "a definition goes here", "json": "{\"attributes\":[{\"name\":\"profile_id\",\"datatype\":\"Int\"},{\"name\":\"link_id\",\"datatype\":\"Int\"}]}" } ] } }
Get a Data Dictionary Item
Fetch a single glossary item. Note that the name attribute is a lowercase, trimmed version of the original_name.
GET /glossary/{glossary_id}
{ "id":"GL8fefb6ec86", "name":"profile", "original_name":"Profile", "app_id":"AP488280a714", "type_of":"OBJECT", "definition":"", "created_utc":"1613906507", "updated_utc":"1613906508" }
Add Dictionary Item
Add/confirm a glossary word or phrase in the context of an App. This is the equivalent of confirming an item within the ScopeMaster UI.
POST /apps/glossary
Body must contain app_id, name and type_of USER or OBJECT. For example
{"app_id":"AP12345eF", "name":"visitor", "type_of":"USER"}
Update Dictionary Item
PUT /glossary/{glossary_id}
Updates the glossary name, if a matching one exists. Example PUT body:
returns the updated glossary item:
{"seconds":0.0514, "message":"updated", "glossary":{ "id":"GL8fefb6ec86", "name":"user_profile", "original_name":"User_Profile", "app_id":"AP488280a714", "type_of":"OBJECT", "definition":"", "created_utc":"1613906507", "updated_utc":"1613906508"} }
Delete Glossary Item
DELETE /glossary/{glossary_id}
Deletes the glossary item, if it exists.
returns 200, no json body.