What do the numbers in the colored circles mean?
The numbers in the colored circles refer to the functional size:
OK. This requirement has successfully been sized at 4 COSMIC function points. 4 is a suitably small enough size and no further splitting should be required.
OK. This requirement has successfully been sized at 9 COSMIC function points. 9 is fairly large, and is likely to involve 3 functional steps, which is fairly common.
Candidate for splitting. This requirement has successfully been sized at 24 COSMIC function points. 24 is large and it may need splitting or simplifying.
Ambiguous, no clear functional intent detected, take a look at the tips for help on the suggested changes to make it clearer. You should reword this requirement and save, until sizing is successful.
Not yet analysed. Press save or visit the analyse page to analyse any unanalysed stories.